Package org.jdiagnose.concurrent

Interface Summary
BoundedChannel A channel that is known to have a capacity, signifying that put operations may block when the capacity is reached.
Channel Main interface for buffers, queues, pipes, conduits, etc.
Executor Interface for objects that execute Runnables, as well as various objects that can be wrapped as Runnables.
Puttable This interface exists to enable stricter type checking for channels.
Takable This interface exists to enable stricter type checking for channels.
ThreadFactory Interface describing any class that can generate new Thread objects.

Class Summary
BoundedLinkedQueue A bounded variant of LinkedQueue class.
ConcurrentHashMap A version of Hashtable supporting concurrency for both retrievals and updates: Retrievals Retrievals may overlap updates.
ConcurrentHashMap.Entry ConcurrentHashMap collision list entry.
ConcurrentHashMap.Segment Bookkeeping for each concurrency control segment.
DefaultChannelCapacity A utility class to set the default capacity of BoundedChannel implementations that otherwise require a capacity argument
LinkedNode A standard linked list node used in various queue classes
QueuedExecutor An implementation of Executor that queues incoming requests until they can be processed by a single background thread.
SynchronizedBoolean A class useful for offloading synch for boolean instance variables.
SynchronizedInt A class useful for offloading synch for int instance variables.
SynchronizedLong A class useful for offloading synch for long instance variables.
SynchronizedRef A simple class maintaining a single reference variable that is always accessed and updated under synchronization.
SynchronizedVariable Base class for simple, small classes maintaining single values that are always accessed and updated under synchronization.
ThreadFactoryUser Base class for Executors and related classes that rely on thread factories.

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