Interface Executor

All Known Implementing Classes:
QueuedExecutor, SynchronizedVariable

public interface Executor

Interface for objects that execute Runnables, as well as various objects that can be wrapped as Runnables. The main reason to use Executor throughout a program or subsystem is to provide flexibility: You can easily change from using thread-per-task to using pools or queuing, without needing to change most of your code that generates tasks.

The general intent is that execution be asynchronous, or at least independent of the caller. For example, one of the simplest implementations of execute (as performed in ThreadedExecutor) is new Thread(command).start();. However, this interface allows implementations that instead employ queueing or pooling, or perform additional bookkeeping.

[ Introduction to this package. ]

Method Summary
 void execute(java.lang.Runnable command)
          Execute the given command.

Method Detail


public void execute(java.lang.Runnable command)
             throws java.lang.InterruptedException
Execute the given command. This method is guaranteed only to arrange for execution, that may actually occur sometime later; for example in a new thread. However, in fully generic use, callers should be prepared for execution to occur in any fashion at all, including immediate direct execution.

The method is defined not to throw any checked exceptions during execution of the command. Generally, any problems encountered will be asynchronous and so must be dealt with via callbacks or error handler objects. If necessary, any context-dependent catastrophic errors encountered during actions that arrange for execution could be accompanied by throwing context-dependent unchecked exceptions.

However, the method does throw InterruptedException: It will fail to arrange for execution if the current thread is currently interrupted. Further, the general contract of the method is to avoid, suppress, or abort execution if interruption is detected in any controllable context surrounding execution.


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