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1   /*
2    * Copyright 2001-2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
3    * 
4    * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5    * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6    * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7    * 
8    *
9    * 
10   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14   * limitations under the License.
15   */
16  package org.jdiagnose.library.mock;
18  import java.util.Arrays;
19  import java.util.Iterator;
20  import java.util.List;
21  import java.util.Random;
23  import org.jdiagnose.DefaultDiagnosticMessage;
24  import org.jdiagnose.RemoteResult;
25  import org.jdiagnose.remote.DefaultRemoteResult;
26  import org.jdiagnose.remote.DefaultResultInfo;
27  import org.jdiagnose.remote.GuidGenerator;
28  import org.jdiagnose.remote.RemoteResultException;
29  import org.jdiagnose.remote.VMIDGuidGenerator;
30  import org.jdiagnose.remote.system.InMemoryRemoteSystem;
31  import org.jdiagnose.remote.system.RemoteAgent;
32  import org.jdiagnose.remote.system.RemoteHost;
33  import org.jdiagnose.remote.system.RemoteSystem;
34  import org.jdiagnose.runtime.ResultState;
36  /***
37   * @author jmccrindle
38   */
39  public class MockRemoteSystem implements RemoteSystem {
41      private InMemoryRemoteSystem system = new InMemoryRemoteSystem();
42      private GuidGenerator guidGenerator = new VMIDGuidGenerator();
43      private Random random = new Random();
44      private List hosts = null;
45      private List agents = null;
46      private List diagnostics = null;
47      private long nextStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
48      private int maxResults = 100000;
49      private double failurePercentage = 0.1;
50      private List messages = null;
51      private String domain = "";
52      private long sequenceNumber;
54      public MockRemoteSystem() {
56      }
58      protected RemoteResult createRandomFailingRemoteResult(String diagnostic, String agent, String host, String message) {
59          return createRandomRemoteResult(diagnostic, agent, host, false, message);
60      }
62      protected RemoteResult createRandomSucceedingRemoteResult(String diagnostic, String agent, String host) {
63          return createRandomRemoteResult(diagnostic, agent, host, true, null);
64      }
66      protected RemoteResult createRandomRemoteResult(String diagnostic, String agent, String host, boolean succeeded, String message) {
67          int duration = random.nextInt(5000);
68          long startTime = nextStartTime + random.nextInt(1000);
69          long finishTime = startTime + duration;
70          nextStartTime = finishTime;
71          return new DefaultRemoteResult(guidGenerator.nextGuid(), 
72                  new DefaultResultInfo(diagnostic, succeeded ? ResultState.SUCCEEDED : ResultState.FAILED, duration, message == null ? null : new DefaultDiagnosticMessage(message), startTime, finishTime), agent, host, sequenceNumber++);
73      }
75      public void init() throws RemoteResultException {
77          system.setMax(maxResults);
79          if(hosts == null) {
80              hosts = Arrays.asList(new String[] {
81                      "bart", "homer", "marge", "apu", "moe",
82                      "lisa", "cletus", "carl", "chiefwiggum", "comicbookguy"
83                      });
84          }
85          if(agents == null) {
86              agents = Arrays.asList(new String[] {
87                      "billing", "crm", "messaging",
88                      "toaster", "webserver", "build", "feeds", "site",
89                      "content", "database", 
90                      "ledger", "financials", "tracking", "cardservices"
91              });
92          }
93          if(diagnostics == null) {
94              diagnostics = Arrays.asList(new String[] {
95                      "FailingDiagnostic", "HibernateDiagnostic", "SucceedingDiagnostic", "DatasourceDiagnostic", "PerformanceDiagnostic",
96                      "ConnectionDiagnostic", "SessionDiagnostic", 
97                      "TestDiagnostic", "WorkerThreadDiagnostic", "MemoryDiagnostic", "DiskspaceDiagnositc", 
98                      "LoginDiagnostic", "MaxUsersDiagnostic", "MaxWaitDiagnostic",
99                      "SecurityDiagnostic", "LatencyDiagnostic", "TimerDiagnostic",
100                     "ProcessDiagnostic", 
101             });
102         }
103         if(messages == null) {
104             messages = Arrays.asList(new String[] {
105                     "Response time too slow", "NullPointerException",
106                     "Connection pool exhausted", "Cannot connect",
107                     "Max connections", "Unknown error",
108                     "Driver failure", "Could not clean up resources",
109                     "OutOfMemoryException", "Failure in subsystem"
110             });
111         }
112         for(int i = 0; i < maxResults; i++) {
113             double percentage = random.nextDouble() * 100;
114             if(percentage < failurePercentage) {
115                 system.addRemoteResult(createRandomFailingRemoteResult((String) diagnostics.get(random.nextInt(diagnostics.size())), 
116                         (String) agents.get(random.nextInt(agents.size())), 
117                         (String) hosts.get(random.nextInt(hosts.size())) + "." + domain, 
118                         (String) messages.get(random.nextInt(messages.size()))));
119             } else {
120                 system.addRemoteResult(createRandomSucceedingRemoteResult((String) diagnostics.get(random.nextInt(diagnostics.size())), 
121                         (String) agents.get(random.nextInt(agents.size())), 
122                         (String) hosts.get(random.nextInt(hosts.size())) + "." + domain));
123             }
124         }
125     }
127     /***
128      * @param name
129      * @return
130      */
131     public RemoteAgent getAgent(String name) {
132         return system.getAgent(name);
133     }
134     /***
135      * @return
136      */
137     public Iterator getAgents() {
138         return system.getAgents();
139     }
140     /***
141      * @param name
142      * @return
143      */
144     public RemoteHost getHost(String name) {
145         return system.getHost(name);
146     }
147     /***
148      * @return
149      */
150     public Iterator getHosts() {
151         return system.getHosts();
152     }
153     /***
154      * @return
155      */
156     public Iterator getResults() {
157         return system.getResults();
158     }
159     /***
160      * @param diagnostics The diagnostics to set.
161      */
162     public void setMockDiagnostics(List diagnostics) {
163         this.diagnostics = diagnostics;
164     }
166     public void setMockAgents(List agents) {
167         this.agents = agents;
168     }
170     public void setMockHosts(List hosts) {
171         this.hosts = hosts;
172     }
174     /***
175      * @param domain The domain to set.
176      */
177     public void setDomain(String domain) {
178         this.domain = domain;
179     }
180     /***
181      * @param failurePercentage The failurePercentage to set.
182      */
183     public void setFailurePercentage(int failurePercentage) {
184         this.failurePercentage = failurePercentage;
185     }
186     /***
187      * @param guidGenerator The guidGenerator to set.
188      */
189     public void setGuidGenerator(GuidGenerator guidGenerator) {
190         this.guidGenerator = guidGenerator;
191     }
192     /***
193      * @param maxResults The maxResults to set.
194      */
195     public void setMaxResults(int maxResults) {
196         this.maxResults = maxResults;
197     }
198     /***
199      * @param messages The messages to set.
200      */
201     public void setMessages(List messages) {
202         this.messages = messages;
203     }
204     /***
205      * @param nextStartTime The nextStartTime to set.
206      */
207     public void setNextStartTime(long nextStartTime) {
208         this.nextStartTime = nextStartTime;
209     }
210     /***
211      * @param random The random to set.
212      */
213     public void setRandom(Random random) {
214         this.random = random;
215     }
216     /***
217      * @param system The system to set.
218      */
219     public void setSystem(InMemoryRemoteSystem system) {
220         this.system = system;
221     }
223     /* (non-Javadoc)
224      * @see org.jdiagnose.remote.system.RemoteSystem#getResult(java.lang.String)
225      */
226     public RemoteResult getResult(String guid) {
227         return this.system.getResult(guid);
228     }
229 }