Uses of Interface

Packages that use Diagnostic

Uses of Diagnostic in org.jdiagnose

Subinterfaces of Diagnostic in org.jdiagnose
 interface DiagnosticUnitLifeCycle
          Implementations of this interface are used by the DelegatingDiagnosticUnit, especially subclasses of DiagnosticUnit.

Classes in org.jdiagnose that implement Diagnostic
 class DelegatingDiagnosticUnit
          Used by DiagnosticUnit
 class DiagnosticUnit
          A Diagnostic Unit.

Methods in org.jdiagnose with parameters of type Diagnostic
 void Diagnostics.addDiagnostic(Diagnostic diagnostic)
          Add a diagnostic to the diagnostics contained in this class.

Uses of Diagnostic in org.jdiagnose.library

Classes in org.jdiagnose.library that implement Diagnostic
 class BasicJdbcDiagnostic
          Tests a JDBC connection using driver, url, username, password and test sql settings.
 class CheckClassPathDiagnostic
          User: jamie Date: Jun 4, 2004 Time: 8:44:57 PM
 class DiagnoseDiagnostic
          JDiagnose Diagnosic.
 class ExistsOnClasspathDiagnostic
          Ensures that a particular file is available on the classpath.
 class FailingDiagnostic
          A Diagnostic that always fails.
 class HttpsUrlDiagnostic
          Check a Https Url.
 class HttpUrlDiagnostic
          Check a Http URL.
 class JavaVersionDiagnostic
          User: jamie Date: May 31, 2004 Time: 8:12:36 PM
 class JDKDiagnostic
          User: jamie Date: Jun 4, 2004 Time: 10:58:12 AM
 class PingableDiagnostic
          Diagnoses an object that implements the Pingable interface
 class SucceedingDiagnostic
          User: jamie Date: Jun 4, 2004 Time: 8:43:15 PM
 class TcpDiagnostic
          Tries to open a Tcp Port and then closes it.
 class TimeLimitDiagnostic
          Times a diagnostic and fails if the diagnostic took longer than maxTimeLimit or shorter than minTimeLimit to finish.

Methods in org.jdiagnose.library with parameters of type Diagnostic
 void TimeLimitDiagnostic.setDiagnostic(Diagnostic diagnostic)

Uses of Diagnostic in org.jdiagnose.runtime

Methods in org.jdiagnose.runtime that return Diagnostic
 Diagnostic DiagnosticResult.getDiagnostic()
 Diagnostic DefaultDiagnosticResult.getDiagnostic()

Constructors in org.jdiagnose.runtime with parameters of type Diagnostic
DefaultDiagnosticResult(MessageFactory messageFactory, Diagnostic diagnostic)

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